Sunday, 11 October 2015

#2 Aladdin

We’ve all sat there, rewinding the movies, pausing them, going frame-by-frame to find hidden images left for us by Disney Artists. This instalment will point out some of the secrets to Aladdin

Aladdin, one of the most famous and one of the most highly debated Disney movies when it comes to hidden images and sound.

If you know us AT ALL, then you should be aware of our obsession with Disney movies. It doesn’t matter how old they are. From Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs to Frozen. Every animated Disney film has found a way into our hearts. HOWEVER, what you’re about to read will change the way you look at, at least one of them. Here are the shocking theories about Aladdin.

First of all, there was this one scene that Aladdin was being a major pervert. in the scene where Aladdin files up to Jasmine’s balcony using his magic carpet and is greeted by Jasmine’s tiger, Rajah. You can hear a subtle voice in the background that supposedly says “Good teenagers, take off your clothes”. You will need to turn the volume up as it’s hard to hear without. 

love animated GIF

I guess I have avoided it long enough, its time to address the ever controversial scene where Aladdin supposedly says: "Good Teenagers, take off your clothes." During the scene where Aladdin rides the magic carpet up to Jasmine's room, steps onto the balcony only to be threatened by Raja. As he shoos her away, Jasmine comes out of her room to find him standing there. According to Disney, the scripted line is: "Good Kitty. Take off and go." But many of the fans don't believe that that is the line that made it to the final movie.
Some theories are that it's a different person's voice (not Aladdin's) that was slipped in as a joke, that went unnoticed by Disney.
Others theorize that the line was intentional. Intended to be a subliminal message to Teenagers to become sluttier. (And seeing how most Disney Channel Stars slowly turn into sluts..) While others believe that people are just hearing what they want to hear and that the line is the original innocent intended line.

Disney animated GIF

images animated GIF

Disney has since said the script written for Aladdin says he should have said “C’mon… good kitty. Take off and go”. in that scene. You KNOW he’s saying, “Good teenagers, take off your clothes”. But why have him whisper it? Maybe due to power of suggestions, but the rumour started back in 1993 after Aladdin was released on home video. You can hear it as Jasmine opens the curtains. 

Image result for subliminal messages in aladdin


I was going to include a video of the scene, but I don't necessarily trust many of the YouTube videos out there of this line, It's pretty easy to manipulate it. So I guess, I'll leave it up to you! Watch your own copy of the movie and decide for yourself!



Posted by : Nur Nadira Binti Alias :)

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